Monday, August 29, 2016

The Summer Funnies!

Stop that! Leave the cat alone! The dog is NOT a horse! Stay out of the fish tank! Don't pick the baby up! You just ate lunch, how are you hungry again? Don't hit your brother! What was that noise? No, you can't have that candy! Share with your brother/sister! Get off the table!  No! No! NO! I'm trying to work!

Our reps work from home. It's so they can take care of their veteran, have a bit of income, and so they can possibly move on to other at home call centers that are similar to the one they work on with the Heroes Thanking Heroes program. Most of us have children, and we work from home to call and thank donors for their support, and just give some updates on how their generous contributions help us help veterans.

So here are some humorous stories from our reps when they tried to work while the kids were on summer break.

Christine Thompson - Christine has two daughters ages 14 and 8 and when she works she goes into her office and tells her how long she's going to be working and to keep the noise down to a minimum. One day she was working and one of her daughters came in her office screaming, "CHLOE JUST POOPED ON THE FLOOR". Of course she did, no one had let her out since Christine did.  And as luck would have it, Christine was mid call, go figure right? Christine sat down with her daughter explained that she had to keep it down while mom was working, that she's not being mean, just trying to explain the rules. At the time, Christine was so fuming mad...but now, all that can be done is laugh!

Liz Snell - Someone asked Liz who watches her kids? She responds, "we use the dog as the sitter". Looks like the dog takes his job seriously!  ;)

Talia Hawkins - The kids run in and say "Grandma needs a bandaid!"!  I was on a call with a veteran trying to get their email address when one of the kids ran in yelling loudly that "Grandma needs a bandaid!"

Jennifer Urbany - I was in the middle of writing up a blog entry when my oldest comes running in, blood in his mouth, and exclaimed proudly, "MOMMY I RIPPED MY TOOTH OUT THE TOOTH FAIRY IS COMING!"! I don't know about you, but I used to get a dollar for my teeth. Due to inflation, I think she pays $5 per tooth now. 

Lacy Mullen - We moved into our new house this summer and thankfully it came with a sound proof office! I love my four kids with everything I have and when I'm free they want nothing to do with me but, go figure soon as Mommy gets busy working they are right there wanting all my attention!! Now they can yell for Mom all day at the door and I just smile and wave through the sound proof window while I work away!????

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