Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Veteran's Caregiver Alliance ONE YEAR Anniversary

Wow! What a year! Upon launching the Veteran’s Caregiver Alliance in 2019, we never imagined the “new” challenges our caregivers would soon face! Talk about perfect timing! 

Since launching in August 2019, our membership base has grown to nearly 200 caregivers! 

Through the free mentorship program offered through the Veteran’s Caregiver Alliance, our dedicated team has been able to pinpoint the gaps in current support available. We used these findings to refocus our plans during a national shut-down to provide vital support to our nation’s heroic veteran caregivers. 

To date, we’ve provided more than 20 weeks worth of groceries to families in need. We have shipped essential cleaning and medical supplies to 40+ families, Compassion Kits for self-care to those who were experiencing burnout, and resources and guidance to help alleviate the everyday stresses we face. Our team understands these challenges better than most because many of us have lived through them ourselves- one of the unique features of the Veteran’s Caregiver Alliance- Built from the ground up BY Caregivers, FOR Caregivers.
More than 1.1 million family members currently care for our nation's severely wounded post-9/11 Veterans. These often-overlooked women and men also must carry the burden of maintaining their household and raising children, throughout the Veteran's years-long recovery.

While we would never minimize the physical, psychological, and emotional struggles of our loved ones, our burdens are real, too. The Veteran’s Caregiver Alliance is the only program of its kind focused on easing those burdens. We are extraordinarily proud of what we’ve created, and we’re thrilled with the feedback we received during our initial tests. We think the Alliance is going to change many lives for the better, and perhaps even save some.

As the wife and caregiver of a triple amputee U.S. Army Veteran who was wounded during his service, I am grateful for my colleagues at the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes for expanding their mission to support the more than 1.1 million men and women like myself, who care for a post 9/11 wounded veteran.
Testimonials from our members:

Food Box Recipient: “Thank you to the VCA for blessing us and helping us. We hope others that receive it will be as grateful because we desperately needed it. We were able to have a meal for the first time in a while. Peanut butter and jelly was on the menu, but we were able to have chicken and baked apples instead.”

Essentials Box Recipient: "We just got the nicest care package from you. Just wanted to send a big happy thank you! It is most appreciated. All of those items have been near impossible to find. Thank you for relieving some stress." 

To learn more about the Veteran's Caregiver Alliance, visit our website at:

A note to our current VCA Members: We can’t thank you enough for all you do to keep your families strong! We know it’s not easy- but always know, you’re never alone

For questions or to contact the Veteran's Caregiver Alliance team, send us an e-mail at

Written by: Ashlee Williams, Veteran Caregiver & VCA Program Manager

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