I'm sitting here, alone with my thoughts, trying to think of something clever to write about. I would like to engage my audience with excitement, thrill, or even drama... but my mind keeps taking me to several months ago when life just seemed a little simpler. It's kind of strange to think of a time that was busy and somewhat chaotic as simple. I guess taking for granted being in a full room of people, huddling close together for a group picture, shaking hands and learning new people’s names, feels "simple" to me right now.
In December 2019, I was part of a remarkable group of individuals who came together to spread awareness of suicide prevention in the military community. This campaign took place in Tampa Bay over the course of one month. We met with leading professionals in the industry who shed tears and moved mountains to share their stories. As diverse as our group was, we all shared the same intention; give veterans HOPE. Our campaign, Victoryfor22 was to gather donations for the 100% volunteer-based non-profit organization called HOOAH (Helping Out Our Nations Heroes). The donations would go directly to help 22 individual veterans receive traditional therapy as well as holistic therapy through yoga, ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy), equine therapy, iRest (Integrative Restoration), and more. Our goal was to save the lives of 22 veterans and change the statistic for at least one day.
ART is a form of psychotherapy with roots in existing evidence-based therapies but shown to achieve benefits much more rapidly, many times within 5 sessions. ART seeks to quickly move a person past the place in which they are stuck, in traumatic based memories. The therapist will guide you while asking you to think about or visualize the painful event (one event at a time). Rapid eye movement aids in changing the way we perceive our trauma and difficult life experiences. In doing so, thoughts of the trauma will no longer trigger strong emotions or physical reactions.
Now you may be thinking, okay, sounds interesting, but what could iRest be? Integrative Restoration if you ask me, is pure magic. I've even seen it put a 6'1”, 300-pound firefighter and retired marine completely OUT in a room of 10+ people. iRest/Yoga Nidra is a research-based transformative practice of deep relaxation and meditation. Richard Miller, Ph.D. developed the regimen back in 2006, at Walter Reed Army Hospital. iRest supports active duty, veterans, and families of service members in over 30 VA or Military settings across the United States.
Just the same as with the above mentioned holistic approached therapies, equine therapy establishes the same impressive results leading to a calmer, more hopeful, and balanced person. Animals and horses, in particular, have the capacity to provide metaphoric experiences in order to promote emotional growth. As my veteran says, "There's just something really humbling about being around a 1,000+ pound animal. It puts you back in your place!"
I can spend hours writing about the benefits of holistic therapies such as these, but what's tugging at me to write this blog is also a reminder to not lose sight of what makes you, YOU.
Written by: Brie Entralgo
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