Today was Luna's 1st vet visit. Today was a lot of firsts for Miss Luna. We had been a little concerned that she wasn't eating enough and we were a bit anxious about this visit altogether. We dropped the kids off to school; however, today of all days my wife had to go into the school. Talk about bad timing. Sometimes I believe that there are days when my wife knows that the actions she takes are going to trigger my PTSD and she still does them anyhow. Today was one of those days. I know that there was no way for her to get around going in, I also know that in my mind I have a clear set plan and her being at the school till 8:30 on the day we must be at the vet for my baby at 8:40 is not on my agenda. I worked hard at not showing my frustration, but I know she can feel it. Christy has a way of being able to read me even when I am trying not to express it.
We arrive at the vet at 8:37 and Christy has already completed all the forms and has the records ready for the vet office as requested. We are precisely on time and prepared for our appointment at 8:40. I am still anxious and hold Luna in my lap. She doesn't really seem to be feeling my anxiety as she sits and lets the vet techs pet her and talk to her. This is a new experience for her, and she is doing great. The vet says she is 14 lbs. now and a little thinner than he would like, but she is a boxer, and they tend to be thinner because they are so active. He suggests we supplement her food with some soft food for calories and help her put on a little weight. The vet says she is looking great, gives her shots and a de-wormer and she is good for a month.

Our next stop is for my physical therapy. Christy goes with me to start some exposure training. Luna is too little to start service training, but we want to start exposing her to my environments so that when we start her training, it is a much more straightforward process. Christy keeps her on a leash and shows her around the office. We work on sit and stay when we are allowing people to talk to and pet her. When she is working, people will not be able to pet her, but for now, we want her to be familiar and friendly with people, so exposure is the best plan. Luna and Christy do great at the physical therapy office.
Car rides are not Luna's favorite thing, but the car ride back to the house is a little different today. Luna seems groggy and very whiny. When we get home, Christy takes Luna to lay down and notices a quarter-sized knot where Luna's shot was given. Maybe a slight reaction to the vaccine. They lay down and take a nap while I am working. When Christy wakes up she calls me upstairs, the knot has grown from quarter size to mandarin orange size. We decide to call the vet. The spot is very tender, and the vet asks us to come back in. Luna has had an allergic reaction to the shot and must go on a steroid medication to combat the allergy.

Luna is tired and groggy the rest of the night. She is very whiny and won’t lay down without someone cuddling her. I give in, and we spent the evening watching movies in my chair. It was a busy, emotional day for us both.
-Juan P.