In January, I went to register my daughter for Kindergarten. I had sent her to Pre-K 3 last year, but since we moved, she has been at home with me. In Pre-K 3, I could choose to just let her stay home if I wanted to spend the day with her. I could pull her out for an entire week so we could visit family and friends in Ohio if I wanted. But now…Now that she’s in Kindergarten, I can’t just pull her out of school just because I miss her and want to hang out with her! It’s a big stepping-stone in her life AND in my life. I know she’s only 4 1/2 years old, but it makes me ask myself where the time has gone so fast. I always say that as long as I can have my summers with her, I’ll be fine. I love to take her swimming; it’s one of my favorite things to do with her. I love watching how she gains a little more confidence each year, and the new tricks she masters.
Now that we are in North Carolina, there are some schools that run on a traditional school year, and others that go year around. We are renting and currently considering moving, but depending on where we decide, that could land her in either traditional or a year around school. That means that every four months, she would have three weeks off. One of my favorite things about being a kid was having a long summer break, going on vacations, hanging out with friends and swimming.
My son has been in both types of school and we both prefer the traditional especially now that he is older and starting to work summer jobs. When he was younger though he would see other kids playing and having fun when he was on the bus to school and we would miss having the freedom to drive back to Illinois in the summer wheee he could swim and play with his cousins. He is a senior this year and has been in 11 different school as we moved with the military but has loved this high school the best it’s new tech all on computers and excelled here making the national honor society and in the top 20 of his class. So I say choose what’s best for your family style. Brandy