Take time to remember the fallen. More often than not their stories are lined with placing themselves in harm’s way to protect their brothers in arms. What would you do to protect your family? They are a hero doing a job that only 2 percent of our population signs up to do. For those whom may get confused Memorial Day is about remembering the ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice, and the family left behind. A Gold star family means a family who has lost their military family member, until I had a husband that served in the military did not know that. I was in working as a preschool teacher and in that term gold star was for reward terms. There is nothing rewarding in losing your love one. This means they are already facing a life that most of the military community keeps unspoken and fears. If you find yourself in a place where you’re able to make their day a little better I encourage you do so because they already had their worse day. Laughter and love is what they need.
This Memorial Day we had planned on planting flowers at the memorial of a fallen soldier at our local armory. The weather changed that for us. It has been 4 days of rain and thunderstorm and that is not changing our plans only delaying it. We instead took a drive to pick out the flowers. But early next week the rain showers will have passed and given time for the rain to dry. And those flowers will be planted by our whole family. When that family comes with the three boys they will see beauty and remembrance for the father they lost. I believe with all my heart that we should all leave something a little better than we found it. It does take a lot of effort or money to do so. Kindness can always be afforded. Until we are able to complete this family project of honor and we are stuck inside on rainy afternoon we made lemonade from scratch. We toasted names and said prayers for some peoples heart wrenching moments that changed how the live and had to move on without their person.
When life gives you lemons make lemonade,
The Johnsons
Great idea and story! Thank you Jennifer!