Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Manatee Appreciation

Here at The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, we love and appreciate all of our veteran families. We jump at opportunities to show them in every way we can. We have various programs in place to support our heroes like Emergency Financial Aid, Heroes Thanking Heroes Employment, and our Veteran and Caregiver Membership programs. We are here for them after they have survived their injuries of war and are recovering and rebuilding their adjusted life. 

In light of Manatee Appreciation Day, we would like to share a story with you about an event we were able to put together early last month. Captain Wayne White and his amazing wife of Aquavision Manatee Tours in Crystal River, Florida had generously donated a package that would allow for two veteran and caregiver couples to embark on an exclusive Manatee tour. This once in a lifetime experience was greatly appreciated by the two couples. They each had great things to say about the experience and the kindness of Captain White and his lovely wife. 

The Coalition enjoys fostering relationships between veteran families and businesses in our communities- we serve as the bridge in a social bond with those who are willing to give and veterans who deserve to be recognized for their duty and service to our country. 

U.S. Army Veteran Hugo Gonzalez shared that it was a real blessing to be able to meet new friends, a brother in arms and in Christ. 

Army Veteran Walter Brown shared in excitement stating how grateful he and his wife were to spend the day with such wonderful people on this amazing opportunity. They plan to meet up with their families to grow the new bonds. 

If you would like more information about how to book a Future Manatee tour with Captain White please
visit https://www.aquavisionmanateetours.com/ or call 352-613-1982

You can also send them a letter of appreciation for their support to our nation's veteran families to 506 NW 1st Ave. Crystal River, FL 34428

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