So for those that are curious what the big surprise was, we took our daughter to a Christmas Eve Redskins game on her birthday! That was all she had asked for and we kept telling her that we couldn't afford to take the whole family. She was so excited that morning when we woke her up with the tickets and a banner I had made that said "Spending my Sweet 16 with my Favorite Team". It was so much fun. As much as I was sad we weren't spending the holiday with my extended family, it was just as nice to spend the much needed time with my immediate family. It was great to see her smiling. She was able to meet a bunch of cheerleaders and get autographs and even got an autograph from Clinton Portis. It was a major plus that the Redskins won! So next year I am not sure what we will do for her birthday or Christmas, but this year we enjoyed making some amazing memories and spending the day celebrating her birthday.
I find it hard to believe that as I sit here typing this, 2018 is less than a week away. I am not exactly sure where 2017 went. My fear is that 2018 will go just as fast. I know many people make New Year resolutions, but not many actually follow through. I read somewhere that only 8% of people actually stick to their resolution. Every year I used to make a resolution. Some years it is to lose weight, after several failed attempts at that I resolved to live a healthier life and make healthy choices with eating and exercising. I have also made more simple resolutions to journal more and to check things off my bucket list. Whatever the resolution is though, I usually fail at it. I normally follow through for a couple weeks, Sometimes even a couple months, however I always end the year thinking that I didn't succeed because I didn't actually follow through with my new years resolutions.
A New Years resolution is when a person resolves to change a undesired trait or behavior, or to accomplish a personal goal to improve their life. Sure, there are many things that I could do to improve my life. I have lots of goals, whether it is to live healthier, or to go back to college, or to travel the world. I guess I could make a resolution but I hate to do that and not follow through. I think instead I would rather just set a simple goal to enjoy time with family. To cherish what time I have with them and make amazing memories. There is one thing that our time in the military taught me and that is that sometimes life can be short. People take things for granted.
So what will your goals or resolutions be for 2018? Whatever they may be I hope you take the time to cherish the little things in life. I've enjoyed sharing with you this month. I hope that you all have a safe and fun New Years! I leave you with this quote that I love.
" Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man." Benjamin Franklin