So yes, I went to the store for those that are wondering! I actually went out during the snow storm Friday night. Dance ended early, and everyone in my town buckled down in their homes for a winter storm that we were not expecting. I took advantage of the 2.5 hours of free time I actually had to get stuff done. I love snow, and do not mind driving in it, so I went and ran all my errands that I needed. It was probably the most peaceful trip to the mall, target, Kohls, Walmart, and food lion I have had in months! I was in an out in a matter of minutes and that was even doing returns!!! So I now smell of regular dove body wash. The whole situation last week got me to thinking though. It got me thinking about ways that I can simplify my life!
That is right, you don't need to check your glasses. I want to work on ways that I can simplify my life. There are 4 people living under my roof, and only one of them does anything. Or shall I say one of them does EVERYTHING! Now I don't want to confuse anyone, I have kind of put myself in this situation. I like things done a certain way. I really do enjoy doing the cooking, cleaning, bill paying, being a personal chauffeur. You name it, I do it. So to try and simplify my life this holiday season, I am going to start letting others help me. I will let the girls help me do things like the cooking and cleaning. I am even going to try and accept when a friend offers to help me out.

Other ways to simplify my life during the holidays. I think that we tend to go so overboard in the gift giving department! A few years ago I stopped buying for every person in my family, instead I did gifts that went to the family. Something they could do together like play a board game, watch a movie or put together a puzzle. I think a gift they can create memories with is so much better than each person having a meaningless gift to open under the tree. With my own children I have always been the parent that likes to have the exact same number of gifts under the tree for each child, and I would like them to be of similar value. Well that gets much harder with a teenager in the house. The things she wants are much more costly so she gets fewer items. This year I am not going to stress out about making it exactly even. I will stay close in dollar amount but they may have a different number of presents under the tree. I always wanted to implement the idea of 3 gifts, something you want, something you need, and something you read. It never ended up working in my family because I often give gifts of several things they need, like winter coats, boots, sneakers if the ones from beginning of school have worn out. I would love to hear what traditions you all reading this have. Leave me a comment bellow.
The hardest decision and biggest way I am simplifying my life this holiday season is by staying home! We have always for the last 12 years traveled from whatever state we were living in, be it upstate NY, and a 8 hour drive or NC, and a 6.5 hour drive, or now living in VA and a 3 hour drive. The last couple years we would drive up spend Christmas eve with family, do the whole church thing, dinner and presents with more than one side of the family and drive home late Christmas eve night so we could wake up in our home Christmas morning. I am sad to not be spending the actual day with my extended family, but I am happy to not be traveling so late and running all around. This year I can actually do something my oldest daughter wants to do on her birthday. We will start new traditions. We will travel up to see family after Christmas because we do still love to spend time with family. Who knows next year we may go back to our old traditions but this year we will try something new.
Hanukkah began this week, and Christmas is just over a week away. I hope that while everyone gets caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, they can stop and take time to think about all the people that are less fortunate than us. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Cherish the memories and worry less about the expensive gifts. Think about all those serving overseas that are away from their families especially their children. My friend shared a picture this week that her son had wrote a note to Santa, and the only thing he wanted for Christmas was for his dad to come home. I remember that my husband was deployed twice during Christmas. Try and be nice to those you see while you are out during this busy shopping season. Maybe they have had something terrible happen that caused them to be in such a bad mood. Sometimes a simple smile can brighten someones day.

I'll leave you with my favorite quote from the movie The Grinch. "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store." "Maybe Christmas.... perhaps.... means a little bit more!" Dr. Seuss.