Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Making Christmas Wishes Come True

With one month of preparation for two
deserving combat wounded Houston veterans was on full display! Bob Voeller, a friend and manager of the Houston Hobby Airports, Southwest Airlines maintenance section was given a task. Find a few deserving, in need, combat wounded hero families and shower them with an unforgettable Christmas. After Bob shared the mission with his fellow maintenance staff, their generosity went into full effect. With the help of as many as 40 SWA staff members, the 2 families were given everything on their wish list, holiday spending money and even HEB grocery store gift cards! The best part of their incredible show of generosity? Their actions inspired other segments of Southwest Airlines employees, also from Hobby Airport to seek out (2) more combat wounded veteran families and they also, were met with a complete wish list, clothes, shoes and more! HEB (Here Everything’s Better) grocery store also gave the Coalition (8) $100 gift cards which are going as far as San Antonio & Ft. Hood.

Christmas spirt on full display here in Houston!!

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